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Top 3 all-time wicket-takers in First Class cricket

Top 3 all-time wicket-takers in First Class cricket

Playing First Class cricket has always been an important part of a player’s progress in the game. It helps a player develop as a finished product and it has been seen that the players who make their international debut after playing enough FC games tend to do extremely well. 

Meanwhile, first-class has a long and rich history and has produced some great bowlers. In this listicle, we will discuss the all-time three highest wicket-takers in the history of first-class cricket. 

Three all-time highest wicket-takers in first-class cricket

1. Wilfred Rhodes

The late cricketer made his debut way back in 1898, a time when India was ruled by the British Empire. Meanwhile, Rhodes played for Yorkshire, Maharaja of Patiala and the European team in India. 

After playing 1110 games from 1898 to 1930, he has 4204 wickets to his name. Surely, this record won’t be broken as no player these days will have a long career such as Wilfred.

2. Alfred Percy Freeman (Tich) 

Alfred, also known as Tich, made his debut in 1914, the year which saw the start of World War One which ended four years later. Meanwhile, he played 593 games and has 3776 wickets to his name. For some time, Wilfred and Alfred played with each other in the England side. 

3. Charles Parker

From 1903 to 1935, Parker played for Gloucestershire and England, briefly. Meanwhile, in the 635 games played for his county, he has 3278 wickets to his name. 

Talking about modern-day cricket, it is impossible to break this record as the game has become professional, as against its early days at the highest level.

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